Oasis Vita-Drops are a convenient way to offer additional nutritional benefits to the wild hummingbirds that come to your feeding stations. A reliable and consistent daily intake of vitamins essential for normal growth, development, full feathering and brilliant color. Hummingbirds instinctively use the most nutritious food sources. Fortifying your nectar with Vita-Drops will help assure that the hummingbirds and their offspring will return to your feeders to get the most from their food supply. There are many natural elements and vitamins gathered daily by hummingbirds that cannot be present in a plain sugar water nectar replacement. Vita-Drops are a multi-purpose, balanced supplement and contain all known essential vitamins.
Add to daily nectar mix at the rate of 2 drops per each 8 ounces
If water is boiled prior to adding nectar ingredient, allow to cool thoroughly before adding the Vita-Drops
Highly concentrated – Excellent Value _ Yields many refills per feeder